A TSU nigger named Cookie multiculturalized seven Whites in the St. Louis suburb Kirkwood the other day, leaving five dead and two seriously injured. This multiple murder came only days after a similar rampage by a simian up in Chicago in a Lane Bryant store.Blacks murdering Whites is the news that doesn’t make the news. “Jewish writers and producers deliberately hide the fact that blacks are less than 13% of the population yet commit the majority of violent crimes,” said Alex Linder, editor of VanguardNewsNetwork.com and VNNForum.com, news sources serving the White community. “Forced racial integration is both unconstitutional and a direct physical threat to the Whites whose people founded this country.”
“Integration is a hate crime,” he quipped.
Forcing blacks like Cookie among Whites is an act of hate directly attributable to the jewish community, from which came the lawyers that stripped Whites of the Constitutional right to free association. Free association is legal means by which a community protects itself. Free association secures people’s right to determine whom they hire and fire and rent to. Free association, thus, allows White communities to keep out undesirables. Niggers are the ultimate undesirables. No other race can stand their presence because they are, taking one with another, dirty, loud, stupid, and violent.
Before the jewish communists took power in the 1960s, Whites and blacks lived apart in America. Crime levels were low, and interracial attacks were uncommon. The “civil rights revolution” (read: jew-communist takeover) changed all that. It stuck niggers into White apartments, schools, and legs at gunpoint. All that was left, once the original reading and plain meaning of the Constitutution was perverted, was to cover up the results.
That’s where owning the media came in. Today the mass media are owned by jews. The giant corporations jews direct are driven not by profits but by politics. That is why television and the papers ignore black-on-White crime (hush crime, as we have termed it) while playing up the rare White-on-black counterexample. “Jews are evil,” explained Linder. “Jesus called jews the spawn of Satan, and though I am not a Christian, I concur in his judgment. If you love jews, then you hate Jesus.”
The policy of American media, under the jews, is to invert reality. This is why White males on tv are depicted as fools and weaklings, while blacks are portrayed as judges, scientists and family men. You ever notice that? You ever wonder who passed the law insisting that every white guy in a tv commercial treat his wife like his own personal dictator, and every nigger like his boss?
If it weren’t for jewish control of the media and law school, White communities could protect White families without risk of being thrown in jail for ‘hate’ crimes. Instead, niggers are stuck into our schools and communities at gunpoint, and always at our expense. The niggers do here and in your town what nigs do everywhere: cash welfare checks, sell drugs, litter, impregnate tv-brainwashed white girls, and rape and murder people. Niggers have destroyed many major cities, and it is factually accurate to say that wherever niggers dominate soon ends up looking like Detroit: lots of boarded-up buildings and a crack/welfare-based economy. The jewsmedia, to the extent it writes about destroyed cities, focuses on ‘bad neighborhoods.’ “There are no bad neighborhoods,” says Linder, “only bad people. Detroit used to be known as the Paris of the Midwest back when it was full of functional White men.” Today, 90% negro, it has reverted to cold jungle.
There’s only one term that fits what the common media refer to as “race relations,” and that term is ‘war.’ Blacks are at war with Whites. Dept. of Justice statistics, collected through the FBI, show that blacks rape an average of 100 White women a day, amounting to 40,000 a year. In addition, tens of thousands of Whites have been murdered by blacks since the imposition of Jewish Tyranny in the 1960s. Whites don’t fight back because they have no support. No one on tv talks about the race war. Instead of talking about real crime and the fact that most of it is committed by blacks, and 90% of interracial crime is committed by blacks and browns against Whites, media jews yap endlessly about “hate” crimes - a tiny handful of thoughtcrimes that is made, by media coverage, to outweigh millions of real crimes just like that committed by Cookie.
“Jews are the only people who control media - or need to,” said Linder. “They buy up mass media in order to invert reality. What you see on tv and in the newspapers runs far deeper than the liberal bias whined about by conservatives. Rather, it is the deliberate inversion of racial reality to serve a political agenda aimed, ultimately, at the genocide of the founding race.”
Angered by parking tickets and fines incurred by his construction company, nigger Cookie did what came natural: he murdered the Whites who were tormenting him by insisting he live up to civilized standards. “Whites in AmeriKwa 2008 are like the poor little kids on the hijacked bus in ‘Dirty Harry,” said Linder. “They are forced at gunpoint to sing ‘Row, Row, Row your boat…’ as though everything is fine. They’re forced to pretend that niggers are their equal rather than the ugly, stupid, destrutive beasts they actually are. It’s time to kill the jews that hijacked America and take control of the bus before it goes off the cliff.”
“Blacks can’t control themselves,” said Jack Stewart of the Center for the Study of Loxism, an expert on jewish hatred of gentiles.. “That’s why they have always been excluded from White communities. Unfortunately that exclusion is now illegal, thanks to the jewish takeover of America back in the 1960s. Jewish lawyers and judges and courts turned free association into forced association and called it holy. Cookie’s murders are the bitter fruit of the evil tree of integration.”
“Niggers are jungle animals forced among Whites by our jewish dictators in the name of civil rights,” agreed Linder, adding that Cookie’s murders were nothing but affirmative action and civil rights and racial integration coming home to roost. “Real civil rights allow communities to exclude those who threaten them,” he said. “Before the civil-rights revolution, White communities could protect themselves by law by excluding dangerous animals like the Cookie monster. After the imposition of what is properly called Jewish Tyranny, Whites were forced to hire and rent to niggers who destroy them. And this is done on purpose and with malice aforethought. We will continue to see Whites wiped out by blacks until we take arms and eliminate the jews wrecking our nation.”
There are some interesting points to ponder:
- Was nigger Cookie admitted to TSU under affirmative action? Niggers who benefit from legal privilege tend to slide through life thinking everyone owes them an easy ride. When they are expected to play by the rules Whites do, they often snap. Do you reading this realize that a huge percentage of nigger “college” “graduates” work for the government? Do you realize that it is possible for a nigger to go through life without once ever having to measure up to an honest standard? A nigger can go from public school, to minority scholarship backing affirmative-action college admission, to EOE government hire, or private affirmative action quota baby, all the way to death. This is the institutional racism that dare not speak its name. Whites are penalized for their race. Blacks are rewarded. That’s life in the big city, you say? Wrong. That’s life under a jewish dictatorship.
- nigger Cookie’s brother’s reaction. We don’t have the article to hand, but Cookie’s brother basically said “I’m ok with that,” in relation to his brother’s “going to war” with an evil White system that had…given him too many parking tickets. The brother’s reaction ought to teach TiSsUes and thinking people a valuable lesson: niggers hate us. They really do. They hate us even though they live off our taxes and are legally privileged over us. The brother’s reaction is a lower-key version of niggers’ reaction to the O.J. verdict. There is literally nothing that a black manimal in America can do to whites that will lose him the sympathy of fellow blacks. Not murder. Not rape. Not robbery. The proof is not just in the reaction of Cookie’s brother and the cheering OJ-verdict nig-throngs, but in the case of sex-torture-murders such as that of Chris Newsom and Channon Christian, the White couple destroyed by a handful of niggers in Tennessee a year ago January. The niggers who committed the vicious crime called one of their fellows to help get rid of the body. Or they called him earlier, according to their account, to come join in the fun. Niggers know that whatever they do to whites — be it rape, torture or murder — their fellow niggers will never turn them in. Just as the Mossad is a tiny spy agency because it can rely on ’sayanim’ - jews around the world who, if they don’t help the Mossad when it asks, never turn it in. Jews are loyal only to jews, just as niggers are loyal only to niggers. Neither group is ever loyal to the host country in which it resides. Know this, White man. Know too that niggers, as jews, HATE YOU. Niggers hate Whites, and if you don’t realize this, then you know nothing about blacks whatsoever. BLACKS HATE WHITES. A nigger guns down seven white men and his brother has no problem with that. Nor does he have a problem expressing his lack of problem in the open media. He knows the media will support him, and he fears no White retaliation.
Until we unite as Whites and kill these niggers and the jews who sicced them on us and back them up in the media, our world is going to grow uglier and more dangerous with every passing year.
And that’s a lesson your lying TSU sociology professor won’t teach you, kids, because it’s true.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
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